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How to remove hard skin and calluses at home

The good news is that hard skin is easy to treat and you can quickly see results. The majority of people can safely exfoliate, file, soften and buff at home, but if you have an underlying medical condition such as diabetes, obesity or psoriasis, be sure to check with your doctor first. Silky soft skin is not too far away – let’s begin, starting with the gentlest and least effortful method and ending with the most intense.

Silky soft skin is not too far away:

  • Moisturise – Hard skin is dry, rigid and inflexible. A rich moisturiser, such as a cream or balm, can quickly rehydrate hard skin and soften calluses and corns. Apply 2 – 3 times a day or more as needed.
  • Overnight foot treatment – For intense moisturisation, before bed, slather on a thick layer of the Flexitol Rapid Revive Overnight Cream. Then pop on socks to trap in all the goodness and wake up to silky smooth skin.
  • Soak – Indulge in a luxurious 10 – 20-minute soak to soften skin and ready it for scrubbing or exfoliating. Add a few drops of essential oil and some Epsom salts for an added boost. Afterwards, be sure to add moisturiser as soon as you can.
  • Scrub – Switch up your usual shower gel for a foot or hand scrub to gently buff away dead skin cells while you wash. Again, make sure you moisturise within minutes of showering or bathing.
  • Exfoliate – Use a pumice stone, foot file or even a nail file to smooth down rough skin on your soles. Slow and steady wins the race, so be patient.
  • Call in the experts – Sometimes seeing a professional is the best and fastest option to rid yourself of hard skin, particularly if it’s very dry or cracked. They can use specialist tools such as a razor or scraper to tackle corns and calluses in no time at all.

Whatever method you choose, regularly moisturising areas prone to dry and hard skin is the best way to prevent problems reoccurring. Check out the Flexitol range of creams and balms here.

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